
Katawa shoujo all gallery images
Katawa shoujo all gallery images

*Go to the library Hanako Route Bad Ending – Act 2 Hanako Ikezawa Route (Bad Ending) Katawa Shoujo Walkthrough Hanako Route Bad Ending – Act 1 (Life Expentancy)

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After getting Hanako’s bad end, I completed all Hanako scenes. Two or three scenes were missing after I took the above paths (check at Main Menu -> Extras -> Library). I missed a lot of scenes in the Hanako route though :-s I got the very same ending and Hanako Route percentage of completion did not rise even by 1 when I chose “Yes” instead of “Maybe” in Act 1.

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The above led to what seems like a good ending to me. *Do you want to go into the city? Hanako Route Good Ending – Act 4 (Scars) *What do you think, Hanako? Hanako Route Good Ending – Act 3 (Castling) *Go to the library Hanako Route Good Ending – Act 2 *Take it easy (this choice appears if you chose Yes about getting regular exercise) *It’s a trap, it’s smarter to play defensively here

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Hanako Ikezawa Route(Good Ending) Katawa Shoujo Walkthrough Hanako Route Good Ending – Act 1 (Life Expentancy)

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